The University of Nebraska at Kearney wants to make a degree affordable to all students, so we provide scholarships for international students. All students are automatically considered for the International Loper Scholarship when they apply. Others may require a separate application.

International Loper Scholarship

International Loper Scholarship Offers Reduced Tuition

The International Loper Scholarship provides a tuition savings of 30% to reduce the overall cost.  International students receive a discount of $4,383 per academic year. International students are valuable contributors to the Loper community, once admitted you will automatically be eligible for up to $17,532 in savings over four years.  

Discounted 2024-25 Tuition Rate
$340.90 / credit hour (Undergraduate, Non-Resident, On-Campus tuition)


Savings Breakdown
$487 / credit hour Undergraduate, Non-Resident, On-Campus tuition rate
$146.10 / credit hour Discount for international students
$4,383 Annual Savings
$17,532 Savings over a 4 - Year Period

Based on 30 credits per year. Savings are approximate when compared to average tuition costs for international students without a scholarship.

Other Scholarship Opportunities




    This scholarship will be awarded for one academic year, but may be renewed upon application and satisfactory academic performance.

    Eligible students may apply for the Helen and Barney Wood Nepalese Scholarship along with other Continuing Student Scholarships each year from February 1 through 11:59 pm (CST) on March 1 by accessing the online application on MyBLUE.

    • be citizens of Nepal and ineligible for permanent residence in any other country
    • be enrolled full-time as an undergraduate student
    • have a minimum 3.0 GPA
    • have a minimum TOEFL score demonstrating adequate English competency
    • express an intent to return to Nepal
    • express a desire to pursue a career in public government, professional service oriented organizations or other occupations designed to contribute to the welfare and development of the country of Nepal.
Be Global

Be Global

体育菠菜大平台 embraces diversity and accepts people of all cultures because celebrating the differences in people leads to a more rewarding experience. Here, you’ll receive a quality education and world experience in a safe environment. Apply Today