Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Forms

If you have been notified that you are on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) suspension, you may access an appeal form for reinstatement of your Federal financial aid eligibility. For your appeal to be correctly prepared, make sure you understand why you are on suspension. You may be on suspension if you have exceeded the maximum timeframe allowed to complete your degree, or your GPA and/or completion rate falls below the requirements for two semesters in a row. Make sure you complete the correct appeal form for the term you are requesting reinstatement

You can check your Loper email and/or the preferred email listed on your MyBLUE account to review details on the reason for your SAP suspension status. It is your responsibility to understand why you are on SAP suspension before submitting your appeal.

You will be notified in writing at your 体育菠菜大平台 Lopers email address. The time frame for decisions is dependent on the time of year of the appeal. Typically, students should know if the appeal submitted is approved, denied, or requires additional information within seven business days.

Complete appeals received 15 days prior to the start of the semester will be reviewed by the first day of the semester.

Maximum Timeframe Appeal

If you have exceeded the maximum timeframe allowed to complete your degree and would like to appeal your financial aid eligibility, please complete and submit the form below to the 体育菠菜大平台 Office of Financial Aid.

Maximum timeframe Appeal Form

Complete appeals received 15 days prior to the start of the semester will be reviewed by the first day of the semester.

GPA/Completion Rate Appeal

If you have fallen below the required GPA and/or completion rate requirement and would like to appeal your financial aid eligibility, please complete and submit the form below to the 体育菠菜大平台 Office of Financial Aid.

GPA/Completion Rate Appeal Form

Guidelines For Writing Your Appeal Letter:

  • First Paragraph: Explain your understanding of the reasons you have been suspended. Suspension occurs after two semesters of not meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements, so your appeal should address both semesters. If you are not sure why you went on warning status and then suspension, please contact our office so that you will be able to address the right circumstances and include the necessary documentation in your letter. Please keep in mind that circumstances such as not getting along with your professor or not liking the class are not valid reasons for appeal.
  • Supporting Documentation: It is required that you provide documentation to support your appeal. Some examples of documentation include:
    • If you had an illness or injury, you must include a note from your doctor or copies of medical records. Keep in mind that obtaining medical records may take some time, so you'll want to plan ahead if you know you are going to submit an appeal.
    • If there was a death in your family, you must submit a copy of the obituary from the newspaper or a link to it on the Internet.
    • If you and your professor are in the process of having a grade changed, we will need documentation from that professor describing the circumstance.
  • Second Paragraph: Explain, in detail, your plan for completing your college career and meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. Some examples of items you might include in your plan are:
    • Taking fewer hours so you have more time to concentrate on the classes you are taking.  
    • Changing your major because you’ve found out it’s not for you.
  • Document Your Plan For Success: Have your academic advisor or a faculty member confirm your plans to meet the standards of progress.

Please sign and date your appeal letter before submitting it to our office. Once complete, your appeal letter and supporting documentation should be addressed to the Office of Financial Aid Appeal Committee and can be dropped off at our office or sent to:

University of Nebraska Kearney  
Financial Aid Office  
2510 11th Avenue  
Kearney, NE 68849  

Fax: 308.865.8096

Note: Students needing to file a complaint that cannot be addressed by the appeals procedure may contact the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) - Private Postsecondary Career Schools at (402) 471-4825 or by submitting a complaint form.